Company’s Managing Director of Retail Strategy leading a fireside chat with Centier Bank’s Senior Partner Deborah Lumpkin on getting buy-in for retail transformation
Thursday, April 18, 2024 – As banks build strategies for evolving experiences at the branch, one conference is gathering industry leaders from across the country to share valuable insights and best practices. Retail Bank Transformation, the industry’s premiere conference on retail banking, kicks off on June 3, 2024 in Charlotte, NC. This essential event is custom made for senior banking leaders looking for innovative ideas and smart strategies to elevate the customer experience, whether that’s at the physical branch or through a digital banking app.
In a fireside chat, industry veteran Deborah Lumpkin from Centier Bank and Adrenaline’s Ben Hopper will discuss the evolving role of the branch, the renewed purpose of the retail channel, and how banks are building advocacy for change inside their institutions. Taking place on Tuesday, June 4, from 10:30 to 11:10 a.m., “Leading Change: Getting Buy-In for Retail Transformation” will address how to create a culture for innovation at institutions not often known for their appetite for change.
Key learnings will include:
- Driving behavioral change in the retail channel
- Creating a shared vision for the branch
- Building consensus among key stakeholders
- Fostering faster decision making and change adoption
In his recent Financial Brand interview, Ben describes how updated branches should function and evolved experiences that place customers at the center of the action, with bankers providing expertise, not just processing transactions. “Untethering bankers from those workstations is a huge part of shifting the experience in the branch,” according to Ben. Automating rote tasks helps redirect bankers focus where it should be – on the customer. Or as Ben says, “Reduce the time counting the dead presidents and increase the time talking to live customers.”
Learn how to become a retail changemaker for your bank or credit union. Register today for the Retail Bank Transformation conference.
To learn more building powerful retail strategies for your institution, or to speak with one of Adrenaline’s brand-to-branch experience experts, contact us today.