Adrenaline bylined article in Bank Director about successful conversion following mergers and acquisitions
In the July/August edition of Bank Director, Adrenaline’s Frank Beardsworth authored a bylined article with practical information for bank executives on navigating the post M&A landscape. Given the rollback earlier this year of some Dodd-Frank regulations, banking analysts and experts are predicting more mergers among small and mid-size banks. Given all the legwork it takes to get to the signing table, what many executives may not realize is just how much is required following the merger or acquisition to be truly successful.
In the article Frank says, “All of this focus on M&A comes as no surprise, given that following 2008’s financial collapse M&A is often thought of as a shortcut to survival. But, just because activity is heating up, that doesn’t mean that all mergers and acquisitions are on track to be market successes. The C-Suite may believe that merging or acquiring another company is a quick and easy way to thrive in the face of an increasingly competitive, saturated and low profit margin environment. But when done well, a merger or acquisition is often neither quick nor easy.”
From developing your brand plan to executing a tiering strategy, Frank’s practical pack of M&A concepts is based on experience and real-world application and designed to help decision-makers jumpstart upfront strategic thinking and process planning. To see his guidelines, visit “What happens after you ink the deal?” and to subscribe to Bank Director for more relevant content for bank executives, contact ICBA at info@icba.org.
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